Get that Bernie Inauguration Mood

Bernie Sander at the Biden Inauguration

January 20th was a great and amazing day. Many people watched in awe at the spectacle that was transpiring in front of their eyes, and there was also an inauguration taking place. While the inauguration was a welcome return to what could be view as normalcy, that included an INCREDIBLE poem by the extremely talented Amanda Gorman, the real winner of the festivities was Bernie Sander’s pinnacle “waiting for the post office to open” look. SO in honor of the real story of January 20th’s proceedings here is how you too can rock the North Eastern Grandfather look:



Standard Face Mask

No frills. All Chill.


Bernie Sanders Glasses

Bernie Blue-light Blockers

See the country through Bernie’s eyes.


Bernie Sanders Coat

Sanders Snowboard Jacket

This might be the most expensive thing Bernie owns and it’s under $300

The Mittens

mittens similar to bernie sanders'

The Amazing Mittens

While not everyone can have homemade mittens from recycled sweaters and water bottles, we can get close.


wide leg black slacks.jpeg

COS Wide-Leg Slacks

Why get pants that only fit your legs when you can get ones that are so wide they could provide coverage for everyone in America


bernie sanders shoes

Nunn Bush Cameron Oxfords

Step towards progressiveness with the most conservative shoe I’ve seen in years.