Analog Walnut iPhone Case
Analog Watch Co is an awesome Philadelphia company that has all of the right intentions. With each purchase, Analog Watch Co donates to one of a few charities they work with to provide environmental support including a tree planting initiative, an environmental protection organization and a waterway protection and clean up program. While, they're original product was a wooden watch, they have expanded their product line to other materials and formats, including this walnut iPhone case. The case is made from real walnut, meaning each case is unique. So if you are in the market for a phone case the is responsibly sourced, and as unique as you are, this is a great option.
Available on for $30
Full Disclaimer: By clicking "Buy" and purchasing an item from this retailer, we here at What is A Gentleman do not receive a commission but we what can we say, it's a cool case, and made in our home town!