Nike Training Utility Tights
When you're in the middle of a workout for time, or long AMRAP (that is hopefully less than 20 minutes) that involves any standing olympic-style lift, grazing your shins with the bar is inevitable. And if you are super unlucky, the knurling catches on its way up to a snatch or power clean, causing some burning, bleeding and bruising, not to mention you have to disinfect the bar afterwards, and your shins. If you have been doing Crossfit, or know someone who has for a while you've almost certainly seen shins that look like they've been on a tour of duty or two. To keep this from happening, and maintain the beauties that are your shins and knees, wear a pair of training tights, like these from Nike. Not only will you instantly fit in at any box around the world, you will also protect yourself from your own in-workout rage monster pulls. We suggest wearing them with shorts, unless you are super confident, and don't mind feeling naked while working out.
Available on for $45
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