Quip Toothbrush 1-year Prepay Review
/via getquip.com
Weekly Theme: Gift Suggestions
This week, and the weeks to come leading up to the holidays we will be offering daily suggestions for gifts for millennial men. Whether you are looking for ideas for yourself or someone else, we will be providing a day by day guide to fun, and interesting gifts for guys. We are going to start off this season of gifts with Quip, a new electric toothbrush company that has finally got it right. Quip’s electric toothbrush has a 2 min timer that alerts you via gentle vibrations when to switch sides (after 30 seconds), making sure you are using it effectively. This specific option: the 1 year prepaid selection includes the toothbrush, toothpaste, and a full year of head refills that come every 3 months, insuring you change out your bristles before they become too compromised. The quip also comes with a cover for travel and a lifetime guarantee that gives you piece of mind.
Available on getquip.com for $65
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