Growlerwerks uKeg 64
To the beer lovers in the crowd, this one is for you. Enjoying a great beer out of a bottle or a can is just fine. Bottles and can help you keep track (shout out to our fellow wizard staff lovers in college) and offer utility for some drinking games (think land mines), but for the serious craft brew lover who wants the taste of their favorite beer out of a tap, growlers have been your preferred vessel of choice, until now. This Growlerwerks uKeg, comes with 10 CO2 cartridges that pressurize your beer after it's filled at your favorite local brewery. This allows for a tap style pouring experience without the need for a whole keg or a kegerator. The pressure also keeps your beer fresher for longer, if your the kind of guy that likes to save it, if that exists. Impress your brew-loving friends and whip this steampunked brew spewer out at your next guys night. You'll be the envy of all your friends.
Available at for $139