Matcha Green Tea Set Review
If you haven't experienced matcha tea yet, I highly suggest you go to your closest 3rd-wave coffee shop and see if they have any available. Matcha is a Japanese powered green tea made from early harvest (baby) tea leaves. It has a ton of antioxidants and is supposedly really good for you. Not only that, matcha, and the steps involved in making it, is more of a ceremony than simply a process. The whisking motion, done with intention and focus, is designed to promote tranquility and stillness within the whisker, which we could all use a bit more of these days. Outside of the more wu-wu elements matcha tastes great and a matcha latte with almond or coconut milk is down right delicious. So after you try it at a shop, grab a kit that makes the experience more personal, and much cheaper in the long run.
Available on for $45
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